
Combine 2 Columns in One Column

hi I have two separate columns [StuName , StuLName]

in select i use like this :

Select StuName, StuLName From Tbl_Student

Result : [Mahdi], [Hosseini]

is there any way to combine this 2 columns in one column (only in select) something like this :

Select StuName + " " + StuLName From Tbl_Student

Result (for example) :

Mahdi Hosseini

StuName and StuLName are NVARCHAR


  • Your query ought to work. Otherwise, you can also use [CONCAT] to string togehter two or more strings:

    SELECT CONCAT('First' , ' ' , 'Last' )


    First Last

    More info about Concat on MSDN.

    In your case, this ought to do the trick:

    SELECT CONCAT(StuName, ' ',StuLName) AS StudentName FROM Tbl_Student