
Scroll action in PureScript Halogen

I'm using purescript-halogen, and I want to scroll to bottom of div when the child component's message were caught. However, it seems not present that scroll action control in Halogen. So, how can I Scroll to bottom of div?

One solution I think is that call other, not Halogen, process from Main when the event caught. I'm not sure that this solution is not bad.


  • Setting the scroll position is just done through using the normal DOM functionality, targeting the rendered node.

    To do this, you'll need to add a ref property in the HTML DSL to the node you want to scroll:

    -- Define this in the same module as / in the `where` for a component
    containerRef ∷ H.RefLabel
    containerRef = H.RefLabel "container"
    -- Use it with the `ref` property like so:
    render =
        [ HP.ref containerRef ]
        [ someContent ]

    And then in the eval for the component you can get hold of the actual DOM element created, using getHTMLElementRef, and then update the scroll position on that:

    eval (ScrollToBottom next) = do
      ref ← H.getHTMLElementRef containerRef
      for_ ref \el → H.liftEff do
        scrollHeight ← DOM.scrollHeight el
        offsetHeight ← DOM.offsetHeight el
        let maxScroll ← scrollHeight - offsetHeight 
        DOM.setScrollTop maxScroll el
      pure next

    The snippets here are modified from some real world code that does something similar, so should do the trick!