
Changing body styles in vue router

I'm using Vue router with two pages:

let routes = [
        path: '/',
        component: require('./components/HomeView.vue')
        path: '/intro',
        component: require('./components/IntroView.vue')

This works fine, except that each of my components has different body styling:


    <p>This is the home page!</p>

    export default {


    body {
        background: red;



    export default {


    body {
        background: pink;

My goal is to have these two pages have different background styles (eventually with a transition between them). But at the moment when I go to the home route (with the red background), then click the intro route, the background colour stays red (I want it to change to pink).

Edit: index.html:

    <div id="app">
        <router-link to="/" exact>Home</router-link>
        <router-link to="/intro">Introduction</router-link>
    <script src="/dist/build.js"></script>


  • I got it working with the lifecycle hook beforeCreate and a global stylesheet. In global.css:

    body.home {
        background: red;
    body.intro {
        background: pink;

    In the <script> section of HomeView.vue:

    export default {
        beforeCreate: function() {
            document.body.className = 'home';

    And similar in IntroView.vue.