
Visual studio 2017 IntelliTrace code failed

I created a C# Console App and tried to debug. When Debug button is clicked then a popup appears in Visual Studio 2017:

Microsoft Visual Studio
Cannot debug some of the code in process WpfApp.exe [1716]. See below for status.

    IntelliTrace code failed (0x80040154).
    Managed (v4.6, v4.5, v4.0) code succeeded.

Click OK to continue debugging the remaining code.
To disable debugging the failed type(s) of code in the future,
change the corresponding setting in the project properties dialog.

How can I solve this issue?


  • Thanks Jack a lot Replying this Thread with patience. Actually I setup windows again :P

    By the way, Is it possible to Make Visual Studio Installed Files Portable from Installed machine to another machine by just copying Installed Folder & Files. I am getting fan of Portable Installer. I make Portable every necessary IDE SDK Tools. Here is a short list. All is working fine just copying and extracting them. No Installation Hassel :P

    Directory: C:\Data\Softs
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    d-----        6/13/2017  11:02 AM                Installer
    d-----        6/14/2017   9:09 PM                Qt
    d-----        6/13/2017  11:00 AM                SQLite
    d-----        6/13/2017   9:07 AM                SQLyog 12.0.9-0 Ultimate for WXP+
    ------        6/14/2017   4:22 PM     3893336656 Android.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   3:03 PM         376880 dbdemo.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   3:23 PM       48180910 ffmpeg.zip
    ------        6/13/2017   3:56 PM       65809495 Git.7z
    ------        6/14/2017   1:54 PM       73331577 gradle-3.5-bin.zip
    ------        6/13/2017   2:59 PM      512640952 IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.2.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   2:59 PM      245881993 JDK_1.8_131.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   3:02 PM      331427935 mysql-5.7.18-winx64.zip
    ------        6/13/2017   3:03 PM        4297296 mysql-connector-java-5.1.42.zip
    ------        6/13/2017   4:10 PM      293234040 NetBeans 8.2.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   3:56 PM        7771113 nodejs.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   3:25 PM       15914968 php.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   3:39 PM      209062685 PhpStorm 2017.1.4.7z
    ------        6/14/2017   1:03 PM      212330463 PyCharm 2017.1.3.7z
    ------        6/14/2017  11:24 AM       42243260 Python36.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   4:57 PM      867480324 Qt5.8.0.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   2:59 PM        7343878 SQLyog 12.0.9-0 Ultimate for WXP+.7z
    ------        6/14/2017   1:03 PM      195497091 WebStorm 2017.1.4.7z
    ------        6/13/2017   3:40 PM        7260701 WinSCP.7z