I have two cameras (using OpenNI, I have two streams per camera, handled by the same instance of the driver API) and would like to have two threads, each capturing data from each camera independently, i.e. for one instance of the driver API, say cam_handler
, I have two streams depth
and rgb
per camera, say cam_handler.RGB1_stream
and cam_handler.DEPTH1_stream
Here is the code for the same:
import threading
def capture_and_save(cam_handle, cam_id, dir_to_write, log_writer, rgb_stream,
depth_stream, io):
t = threading.currentThread()
shot_idx = 0
rgb_window = 'RGB' + str(cam_id)
depth_window = 'DEPTH' + str(cam_id)
while getattr(t, "do_run", True):
if rgb_stream is not None:
rgb_array = cam_handle.get_rgb(rgb_stream)
rgb_array_disp = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_array, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
cv2.imshow(rgb_window, rgb_array_disp)
cam_handle.save_frame('rgb', rgb_array, shot_idx, dir_to_write + str(cam_id + 1))
io.write_log(log_writer[cam_id], shot_idx, None)
if depth_stream is not None:
depth_array = cam_handle.get_depth(depth_stream)
depth_array_disp = ((depth_array / 10000.) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imshow(depth_window, np.uint8(depth_array_disp))
cam_handle.save_frame('depth', depth_array, shot_idx, dir_to_write + str(cam_id + 1))
shot_idx = shot_idx + 1
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
if key == 27: # exit on ESC
print "Stopping camera %d thread..." % (cam_id + 1)
def main():
# Setup camera threads
cam_threads = []
dir_to_write = "some/save/path"
for cam in range(cam_count):
cam = (cam + 1) % cam_count
cv2.namedWindow('RGB' + str(cam))
cv2.namedWindow('DEPTH' + str(cam))
one_thread = threading.Thread(target=capture_and_save,
name="CamThread" + str(cam + 1),
args=(cam_cap, cam, dir_to_write,
rgb_stream[cam], depth_stream[cam], io,))
one_thread.daemon = True
while True:
# cv2.waitKey(1)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Stop everything
for each_thread in cam_threads:
each_thread.do_run = False
# Stop and quit
if __name__ == '__main__':
So, my issue is that if I remove the cv2.imshow()
lines from the code, everything runs as expected and I get both camera outputs saved to file. However, with the cv2.imshow()
lines, there are only "blank" windows being created and the threads seem to be "stuck", with no output at all.
I have tried several suggestions, including moving the namedWindow
creation to the main thread as well as into the capture_and_save
thread. I have also tried moving around the waitKey()
because it was said that OpenCV only allows waitKey()
in the main thread. There was no difference, however.
I solved the issue by using mutables, passing a dictionary cam_disp = {}
to the thread and reading the value in the main thread. cv2.imshow()
works best when kept in the main thread, so this worked perfectly. I am not sure if this is the "right" way to do this, so all suggestions are welcome.