
Lumen 5.4 Trying to install Entrust error "There are no commands defined in the "vendor" namespace"

I am trying to install using Lumen 5.4 but I keep getting this error There are no commands defined in the "vendor" namespace..

Steps I have taken

1) Add "zizaco/entrust": "5.2.x-dev" to composer.json

2) Add $app->register(Zizaco\Entrust\EntrustServiceProvider::class); too app.php

3) composer update

4) Create this helpers.php file

if ( ! function_exists('config_path'))
     * Get the configuration path.
     * @param  string $path
     * @return string
    function config_path($path = '')
        return app()->basePath() . '/config' . ($path ? '/' . $path : $path);

5) Add this to composer.json

    "autoload": {
        "files": [

6) Comment out //$this->bladeDirectives(); in EntrustServiceProvider.php

7) Changed the publish function to

        -            __DIR__.'/../config/config.php' => config_path('entrust.php'),
        +            __DIR__.'/../config/config.php' => app()->basePath() . '/config/entrust.php',

8) composer dump-autoload -o

9) php artisan vendor:publish


Fatal error: Call to undefined function Zizaco\Entrust\config_path() in /Users/API/vendor/zizaco/entrust/src/Entrust/EntrustServiceProvider.php on line 31

  Call to undefined function Zizaco\Entrust\config_path()  


  • Fixed the error by installing this package and than installing entrust