
Get property string name in XAML from property path

Is there way to get name of property in XAML?

I found there is no support for nameof in XAML.

Something serving like this:

    Source={StaticResource SomeViewModel},
    Source={StaticResource SomeViewModel},
    GetNameOf=True}" />


  • Is there way to get string name of property in XAML.

    No, there isn't. XAML is a markup language and it has no nameof operator defined.

    What you could do is to try to implement your own custom InvokeCommandAction.

    Create a class that derives from System.Windows.Interactivity.TriggerAction<DependencyObject>, add the properties of InvokeCommandAction (it is sealed so you cannot derive from it) and another GetNameOf property to it and then override the Invoke method to use the nameof operator.