
Strip list items with multiple arguments error

I'm trying to remove a lot of stuff from a text file to rewrite it. The text file has several hundred items each consisting of 6 lines of. I got my code working to a point where puts all lines in an array, identifies the only 2 important in every item and deletes the whitespaces, but any further stripping gives me the following error:

'list' object has no attribute 'strip'

Here my code:

x = 0
y = 0
names = []
colors = []
array = []

with open("AA_Ivory.txt", "r") as ins:

    for line in ins:

def Function (currentElement, lineInSkinElement):
    name = ""
    color = ""
    string = array[currentElement]
    if lineInSkinElement == 1:
        string = [string.strip()]
#       string = [string.strip()]
#       name = [str.strip("\n")]
#       name = [str.strip(";")]
#       name = [str.strip(" ")]
#       name = [str.strip("=")]
        return name
#   if lineInSkinElement == 2:
#       color = [str.strip("\t")]
#       color = [str.strip("\n")]
#       color = [str.strip(";")]
#       color = [str.strip(" ")]
#       color = [str.strip("=")]
#       colors.append(color)
#       return color
    print "I got called %s times" % currentElement
    print lineInSkinElement
    print currentElement

for val in array:
    Function(x, y)
    x = x +1
    y = x % 6

#print names
#print colors

In the if statement for the names, deleting the first # will give me the error. I tried converting the list item to string, but then I get extra [] around the string.

The if statement for color can be ignored, I know it's faulty and trying to fix this is what got me to my current issue.


  • Alright, I found the solution. It was a rather dumb mistake of mine. The eerror occured due to the [] arroung the strip function making the outcome a list or list item. Removing them fixed it. Feeling relieved now, a bit stupid, but relieved.