If I have a JavaScript function taking an object as a parameter, I can describe expected properties of the object with JSDoc like this:
* @param bar
* @param bar.baz {number}
* @param bar.qux {number}
function foo(bar) {
return bar.baz + bar.qux;
How do I describe these properties if I define my function with ECMAScript 6 destructuring, not giving the real parameter object a name at all?
const foo = ({ baz, qux }) => baz + qux;
It turns out JSDoc does support destructing via making up a placeholder name. It is lacking in official documentation.
* @param {Object} param - this is object param
* @param {number} param.baz - this is property param
* @param {number} param.qux - this is property param
const foo = ({ baz, qux }) => baz + qux;