
Ionic v1 global $ionicPopover menu

for my ionic v1 app I need to add one header menu (like as bootstrap menu) in right corner. When I click this button, i need to show menu with same ng-click event. For graphical requirement I need a menu and no side menu. Found $ionicPopover, and I think that is my solution. My problem is about menu function. My idea is use a html template for all menu, and put popover function samewhere accessibile for all my app. Is possibile? Found only example where for every controller I need to implement popover function. For example this is a simple controller. I need to define popover function globally for all my project. Same for popover definition. Is possible? Thanks.

.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope, $ionicLoading, $ionicPopover) {
   // .fromTemplate() method
   var template = '<ion-popover-view>' + '<ion-header-bar>' +
      '<h1 class = "title">Popover Title</h1>' +
      '</ion-header-bar>'+ '<ion-content>' +
      'Popover Content!' + '</ion-content>' + '</ion-popover-view>';

   $scope.popover = $ionicPopover.fromTemplate(template, {
      scope: $scope

   $scope.openPopover = function($event) {

   $scope.closePopover = function() {

   //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it!
   $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {

   // Execute action on hide popover
   $scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() {
      // Execute action

   // Execute action on remove popover
   $scope.$on('popover.removed', function() {
      // Execute action


  • Finally, I create single function in single controller, with a common menu header. Thanks.