
How to get ServletRequest in any class using @Context or similar?

I've used @Context to access the HttpServletRequest in the past, and it's worked.

I've got another class where I've tried to use this, but it's not being assigned, (ie request is null)

HttpServletRequest request;

All I'm trying to do is get the request parameters in a class, without having to pass them through to each parent instance.

So how can I get request.getParameter("username") when request is assigning as null?


  • The only way I found I could do this was by passing it down the call stack, though I did manage to shorten up that call stack apporoach using Guice.

    To do this, I bound my Provider to the the request like so: bind(MyClass.class).toProvider(MyClassProvider.class).in(ServletScopes.REQUEST);

    and my provider simply looked like this:

    public static class MyClassProvider implements Provider<MyClass>
        private HttpServletRequest request;
        public MyClassProvider(@Context HttpServletRequest request)
            this.request = request;
        public MyClass get()
            return new MyClass(request);

    So now when my class is created, it has the Request context available.