What is good practice to access my package-private variables from other classes in this same package?
Package-private accessor
String getColor() {
return color;
Just accessing as field from object.
String color = instanceOfClass.color;
In my opinion:
Package-private method for accessing package-private field. A lot of unnecessary code, but in my opinion provides clarity with a lot of fields (and properly named accessor methods)
We don't need accessors and mutators for package-private variables in package, so maybe I shouldn't create them?
Which practice is better, consistent with the programming convention?
EDIT: Thank you for fast answers! :)
Having accessors/mutators is usually handy even if it is some more code:
If you later introduce some logic when accessing/setting the variable, you can do it just in one place without the need to affect all the classes using the variable - you can easily add features as additional logging, lazy loading, security, validation, ...
You can later change the underlying representation of the field (eg return subtype in some cases)
Generally, it is a good idea as it gives you more flexibility, preserves encapsulation and reduces coupling between objects.