I spawn a child process like so:
const n = cp.spawn('bash');
I am looking for a transform stream so that I can prepend something like '[child process]' to the beginning of each line from the child, so I know that the stdio is coming from the child versus the parent process.
So it would look like:
const getTransformPrepender = function() : Transform {
return ...
does anyone know if there is an existing transform package like this or how to write one?
I have this:
import * as stream from 'stream';
export default function(pre: string){
let saved = '';
return new stream.Transform({
transform(chunk, encoding, cb) {
cb(null, String(pre) + String(chunk));
flush(cb) {
but I am afraid it won't work in edge cases - where one chunk burst may not comprise an entire line (for very long lines).
It looks like the answer to this is here: https://strongloop.com/strongblog/practical-examples-of-the-new-node-js-streams-api/
but with this addendum: https://twitter.com/the1mills/status/886340747275812865
You can prepend to a stream using:
but it's designed to solve the problem at hand like so:
import pt from 'prepend-transform';
import * as cp from 'child_process';
const n = cp.spawn('bash');
n.stdout.pipe(pt('child stdout: ')).pipe(process.stdout);
n.stderr.pipe(pt('child stderr: ')).pipe(process.stderr);