
R lookup interpolate between values or closest match

I have a dataset of reservoir volumes (9 columns for 9 reservoirs) and I want to use a lookup (or similar functions) in R to convert the volumes to levels using a rating table (my rating table has got two columns, volumes and levels). If I use lookup, it does not interlope between rating table values and generates series of N/A.
Note: the number of rows in rating table is different with the number of rows in the dataset.
My code is similar to this storagelevel1 <- lookup(storagevolume[,1],storagerating) This code lookup the level from storagerating (two columns, volumes and levels) using the volumes from storagevolume but it does not interpolate in the storageraitng.

How can I do this to interpolate or at least find the closest match in the lookup table? Thanks


  • As 42 commented, very difficult to provide you with help if we don't know what you are working with. That said, does this code give you any insight?

    storagerating <- data.frame(volumes = c(10, 100, 1000, 10000), 
                                levels = c("A","B","C","D"))
    #  volumes levels
    #1      10      A
    #2     100      B
    #3    1000      C
    #4   10000      D
    z <- 888 # a random volume
    storagerating$levels[which.min(abs(z - storagerating$volumes))] # closest rating
    #[1] C 
    #Levels: A B C D

    EDIT: for a vectorized solution

    z <- round(runif(300, 1, 10000)) # a random volumes
    # OPTION 1: sapply
    z_levels1 <- sapply(z, function(x) storagerating$levels[which.min(abs(x - storagerating$volumes))])
    # OPTION 2: for loop
    z_levels2 <- vector("numeric",length(z))
    for(i in 1:length(z)){
      z_levels2[i] <- storagerating$levels[which.min(abs(z[i] - storagerating$volumes))]
    # OPTION 3: make a function with sapply
    lookup <- function(x, volumes){
      sapply(x, function(x) which.min(abs(x - volumes)))
    storagerating$levels[lookup(z, storagerating$volumes)]

    EDIT2: Interpolation

    storagerating <- data.frame(volumes = seq.int(100,400,100), 
                                levels = c(1:4))
    storagerating # given this
    #  volumes levels
    #1     100      1
    #2     200      2
    #3     300      3
    #4     400      4
    mod <- lm(levels ~ volumes, data = storagerating) # linear model example
    df_new <- data.frame(volumes = z) # use our model results to estimate 
    levels_new <- predict(mod, newdata = df_new) # must be data.frame with same var name
    storagerating_new <- cbind(df_new, levels_new)
    head(storagerating_new); tail(storagerating_new)
    #  volumes levels_new
    #1       1       0.01
    #2       3       0.03
    #3       5       0.05
    #4       7       0.07
    #5       9       0.09
    #6      11       0.11
    #    volumes levels_new
    #195     389       3.89
    #196     391       3.91
    #197     393       3.93
    #198     395       3.95
    #199     397       3.97
    #200     399       3.99