
How to make JBoss v4.2 look for applications in directories other than default?

Out of the box, JBoss 4.2.3.GA's server directory comes with 3 deployment sub-directories:

  1. all
  2. default
  3. minimal

If I a copy a .ear of mine to the default/deploy sub-directory, JBoss picks it up on startup and runs it.

I now would like to place it in a sibling directory to default, i.e.:

  1. all
  2. default
  3. minimal
  4. mine

When I do that, JBoss does not even know that mine is there and thus does not attempt to load it.

How I tell JBoss to look at the mine sibling directory for applications to load?

I found hints in the following thread: https://developer.jboss.org/thread/56120 but this seems to be the solution for a different problem (i.e. after JBoss found that sibling directory and jboss-service.xml in there).

Update: I discovered that passing the sibling directory's name as -c command line argument: org.jboss.Main -c mine changes the Server Home Dir and loads the application(s) from there.

Where can I learn more about the -c option? Is there a comprehensive reference of such options?


  • Passing the sibling directory's name as the -c command line argument:

    org.jboss.Main -c mine 

    changes the Server Home Dir and loads the application(s) from there.

    I have not been able to find a comprehensive reference/documentation of such options. The best I could find was these:

    1. https://gist.github.com/agea/8783986
    2. https://docs.jboss.org/process-guide/en/pdf/jboss-docbook
    3. http://docs.jboss.org/process-guide/en/html_single/