
Waiting the end of a REPORT task without having Administrator permissions

I am developing a plugin for SonarQube 6.3.1 which execute an analysis and then generate a docx report.

The problem is that I have to wait between these both actions that SonarQube finishes its REPORT task. My plugin is destined to lambda users so without Administrator permissions: so I can not use activityStatus service.

Is there an other way to know if the reporting of a project in SonarQube is terminated? (inside a plugin)


  • Your analysis take place on the server side ? I think you should run it on a client side, not server side.
    Write a plugin with @BatchSide and implements org.sonar.api.batch.postjob.PostJob.
    Then your method will execute soon analysis is finish (as you requested) See

    And by the way with PostJobContext object you have all infos you need to fill a custom report