Is there a way of converting SCAD files to STL format efficiently in Python? I have around 3000 files to be converted to STL. Plus, there are some different formats.
I tried searching on the internet for some libraries but was not able to find any suitable one (I am using Windows OS) Anyone has any idea?
you can run openscad from command line, see documentation, and prepare every command by python (example in python3)
from os import listdir
from subprocess import call
files = listdir('.')
for f in files:
if f.find(".scad") >= 0: # get all .scad files in directory
of = f.replace('.scad', '.stl') # name of the outfile .stl
cmd = 'call (["openscad", "-o", "{}", "{}"])'.format(of, f) #create openscad command
in python3.5 and higher
should be replaced by