
how loop if function in VBA

How to repeat the if function in a vba code Hello, all I create a command line using if on a form. But I have trouble writing it over and over again. Is there a proper way to simplify this writing?

If UserForm1.checkbox15.Value = True Then
UserForm2.textbox1.enable = True
UserForm2.textbox1.BackColor = RGB(200, 200, 200)
UserForm2.textbox1.enable = True
UserForm2.textbox1.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If

If UserForm1.checkbox16.Value = True Then
UserForm2.textbox2.enable = True
UserForm2.textbox2.BackColor = RGB(200, 200, 200)
UserForm2.textbox2.enable = True
UserForm2.textbox2.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If

If UserForm1.checkbox17.Value = True Then
UserForm2.textbox3.enable = True
UserForm2.textbox3.BackColor = RGB(200, 200, 200)
UserForm2.textbox3.enable = True
UserForm2.textbox3.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If

If UserForm1.checkbox18.Value = True Then
UserForm2.textbox4.enable = True
UserForm2.textbox4.BackColor = RGB(200, 200, 200)
UserForm2.textbox4.enable = True
UserForm2.textbox4.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If

.... .... .... to textbox660 ...


  • Define your color long values as Const outside of the subroutines, at the top of the module.

    Public Const bgColorTrue As Long = 13158600  '## RGB(200,200,200)
    Public Const bgColorFalse As Long = 16777215 '## RGB(255,255,255)

    Then you can do something like this, which is somewhat more simplified, but still requires enumerating all of the pair of TextBox + CheckBox.

    UserForm2.textbox1.BackColor = IIF(UserForm1.checkbox15.Value = True, bgColorTrue, bgColorFalse)
    UserForm2.textbox2.BackColor = IIF(UserForm1.checkbox16.Value = True, bgColorTrue, bgColorFalse)
    UserForm2.textbox3.BackColor = IIF(UserForm1.checkbox17.Value = True, bgColorTrue, bgColorFalse)
    UserForm2.textbox4.BackColor = IIF(UserForm1.checkbox18.Value = True, bgColorTrue, bgColorFalse)
    UserForm2.textbox5.BackColor = IIF(UserForm1.checkbox19.Value = True, bgColorTrue, bgColorFalse)
    ' etc...

    Or (assuming the arithmetic relationship between the indexes of the checkboxes and textboxes is constant), you can do a loop and create a subroutine to identify which TextBox pairs with which CheckBox:

    Dim cb as MSForms.CheckBox, ctrl as Control
    For Each ctrl in UserForm1.Controls
        If TypeName(cb) = "CheckBox" Then
            Call UpdateForm2(cb, UserForm2)
        End If

    Using a sub like:

    Sub UpdateForm2(ByRef cb as MSForms.CheckBox, byRef Uf as UserForm)
        Dim tb as MSForms.TextBox
        Dim iCB as Long, iTB as Long
        '## Get the index of this CheckBox name:
        iCB = CLng(Replace(cb.Name, "checkbox", vbNullString))
        '## Compute the index of corresponding TextBox name
        iTB = iCB - 14
        '## Handle the TextBox on the other UserForm
        Set tb = Uf.Controls("TextBox" & iTB)
        tb.BackColor = IIF(cb.Value = True, bgColorTrue, bgColorFalse)
    End Sub