
How to debug Crosswalk webview remotely?

I'm trying to use XWalkView in Android 5.

When I try to inspect an XWalkView in chrome://inspect, I can see the name of the app that is running, but no options for inspection. I also attempted in Canary, but it never got past USB auth for debug.

How can I use chrome dev tools to debug XWalkView?


  • To debug xwalk webview remotely is similar to webview except the webview config.

    a. Config your chrome and device for debugging. Refer to google articles or SO post.

    b. Config your webivew for debugging. (difference between webview and xwalkview) Refer to xwalkview doc.

    For xwalkview, XWalkPreferences.setValue(XWalkPreferences.REMOTE_DEBUGGING, true);

    (For webview, WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true); //v4.4+) Refer to this answer.