
WeChat Social Login

I'm trying to integrate WeChat login with current system.

I own a WeChat offical account and already have AppID and AppSecret.
Server Settings enabled as well.

When I was tring to hit the QRcode scan url with my appid and my own server redirect url as parameter(example as below)

The browser threw me this error page enter image description here

What I expect is something like this

enter image description here


1. Is it because of I didn't go through the wechat verification thus unable to obtain the user basic information?

2. How to get the wechat verification?


    1. Is it because of I didn't go through the wechat verification thus unable to obtain the user basic information?

      Yes. To integrate wechat login, your wechat official account must be verified service account (subscribe account is not supported, even it is verified). Please refer to official document for more information.

    2. How to get the wechat verification?

      To get the wechat official account verified, you can follow the steps in the customer support document.