
Argument of type 'Date' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'

I am working on Angular2-Meteor project and I am getting this

Argument of type 'Date' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.

error when I wrote this function to set value in date.

start: startOfDay(new Date(attendance.dayAt)),

I have tried to set the type as Date but won't work how can I resolve this error?


  • I had a similar problem.

    After researching I found three useful links :

    Date variable works, but functions on it do not

    Converting string to date issue

    Invalid argument 'date format' for pipe 'DatePipe'?

    What I then did was to declare my variable as type Date in the "export class" component like this :

    start: Date

    and then later on in a function I used it like this to populate the date variable:

    start = new Date(;

    Judging on the error you are receiving I assume that your function "startOfDay()" is returning a string so you would then have to change your code as follows.

    start: new Date(startOfDay(new Date(attendance.dayAt)))

    reason for this being that if "start" is a date then you have to use the function new Date() to assign a date to it. Date then takes string as input and returns a date and assigns it to variable "start". Hope this helps :)