I have to migrate an application from ReactiveCocoa 4 to ReactiveCocoa 5 (due to Swift 3 migration)
The old implementation uses some RACSubject instances for triggering (performOperationSubject.sendNext) an operation and for handling (didOperationSubject.subscribeNext) the result
internal class MyClass {
internal var performOperationSubject: RACSubject = RACSubject()
internal var didOperationSubject: RACSubject = RACSubject()
internal overide init() {
self.performOperationSubject.subscribeNext { [weak self](_) in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
and when the MyClass instance is used
myClassInstance.didOperationSubject.subscribeNext { ... }
Unfortunately the RACSubject is no more present in ReactiveCocoa 5 (ReactiveSwift)
How can I replace the RACSubject in this context?
You would use pipe
which gives you an input observer and an output signal instead of using a RACSubject
for both input and output. The example from the ReactiveSwift docs looks like this:
let (signal, observer) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
.map { string in string.uppercased() }
.observeValues { value in print(value) }
observer.send(value: "a") // Prints A
observer.send(value: "b") // Prints B
observer.send(value: "c") // Prints C
Using Signal.pipe instead of RACSubject:
Since the Signal type, like RACSubject, is always “hot”, there is a special class method for creating a controllable signal. The Signal.pipe method can replace the use of subjects, and expresses intent better by separating the observing API from the sending API.
To use a pipe, set up observers on the signal as desired, then send values to the sink:
let (signal, observer) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
signal.observeValue(value in
// use value
observer.send(value: "the value")