
How do I know when custom form control is marked as pristine in Angular?

I have several custom form control components in my Angular application, which implement ControlValueAccessor interface and it works great.

However, when markAsPristine() is called on parent form, or on my custom control directly I need to update it's state: my custom control is actually have internal control and I need to call markAsPristine() on it too.

SO, how do I know when markAsPristine() is called on my control?

The ControlValueAccessor interface has no members, related to this problem, which I can implement.


  • After thorough investigation I've found out that this functionality is not specifically provided by Angular. I've posted an issue in the official repository regarding this and it's gained feature request status. I hope it will be implemented in near future.

    Until then, here's two possible workarounds:

    Monkey-patching the markAsPristine()

      selector: 'my-custom-form-component',
      templateUrl: './custom-form-component.html',
      providers: [{
        provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        useExisting: MyCustomFormComponent,
        multi: true
    export class MyCustomFormComponent implements ControlValueAccessor, OnInit {
      private control: AbstractControl;
      ngOnInit() {
        const origFunc = this.control.markAsPristine;
        this.control.markAsPristine = function() {
          origFunc.apply(this, arguments);
          console.log('Marked as pristine!');

    Watching for changes with ngDoCheck

    Be advised, that this solution could be less performant, but it gives you better flexibility, because you can monitor when pristine state is changed. In the solution above, you will be notified only when markAsPristine() is called.

      selector: 'my-custom-form-component',
      templateUrl: './custom-form-component.html',
      providers: [{
        provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        useExisting: MyCustomFormComponent,
        multi: true
    export class MyCustomFormComponent implements ControlValueAccessor, DoCheck {
      private control: AbstractControl;
      private pristine = true;
      ngDoCheck(): void {
        if (this.pristine !== this.control.pristine) {
          this.pristine = this.control.pristine;
          if (this.pristine) {
            console.log('Marked as pristine!');

    And if you need to access the FormControl instance from your component, please see this question: Get access to FormControl from the custom form component in Angular.