I try to get the foreach result in a grid column (I have the result but I don't how to put it into the column for each category id).
My grid.php
public function _prepareCollection()
$subcategories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
->setOrder('parent_id', 'ASC');
$categories = array();
foreach ($subcategories as $category){
//do something with $category and put it in Route column
if ($category['level'] > 1) {
$categories[$category['entity_id']] = array('category_route' => $category['level'] == 2 ? $category['name'] : $categories[$category['parent_id']]['category_route'] ." -> ". $category['name']);
$collection = Mage::getModel('thorleif/commerciaux')->getCollection();
return parent::_prepareCollection();
public function _prepareColumns()
'header' => 'ID',
'align' => 'left',
'width' => '10%',
'index' => 'entity_id'
'header' => 'Category Name',
'align' => 'left',
'index' => 'name'
'header' => 'Route',
'align' => 'left',
'index' => array($category['name'] .'>'. $category['name'])
The result of the var_dump it's like this
You can't directly show your custom collection in the required column. You need to use renderer
class for this requirement. You need to create a renderer folder extends
class Namespace_Module_Block_Product extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Column_Renderer_Abstract
public function render(Varien_Object $row)
$productId = $row->getData($this->getColumn()->getIndex());
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
$value = '<img src="">';
if($product->getImage()!= 'noselection')
$value='<img src="' . $product->getImageUrl() . '" width="100" height="100" />';
return $value;
In the Grid column to need to call this class by using renderer parameter as shown below.
'header' => __('Product Name'),
'sortable' => true,
'index' => 'product_id',
'renderer' => 'Namespace\Module\Block\Product'
You can also pass the category ID, to this specific renderer class.