For example, i have a jena OntModel, with many classes, individuals and properties. I want to konw how many datatypeProperty and objectProperty are set for an specific individual.
I have code below, given an Individual, ind.listProperties() will list all properties, while i dont konw how to judge if it is a datatypeProperty or objectProperty
static void statInstance(Individual ind, Node node) {
for (StmtIterator j = ind.listProperties(); j.hasNext(); ) {
Statement s =;
// how to judge if s is a datatypeProperty or objectProperty
to judge you can use method org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode#canAs(Class)
if (s.getPredicate().canAs(DatatypeProperty.class)) {
} else if (s.getPredicate().canAs(ObjectProperty.class)) {
} else {
the method org.apache.jena.rdf.model#listProperties will return all statements where the specified individual is a subject.
so your approach works only for searching object/data property assertions ("a R v" and "a1 PN a2" in terms of owl2-short-guide)