
How to update Bootgrid selected rows with new data

I am using jquery-bootgrid Located here.

I created a bootgrid with fields one of them I want to edit so what I did was to specify it in the formatter.

       "fieldval": function(column, row)
           return formatterForFieldval(column, row);

The function.

 function formatterForFieldval(column, row)

        return '<input type="text" class="form-control" id="usr" '
           +     'value="'+row.fieldval+'"'
           +     '>' ;


This works and it creates a textbox that I can edit in runtime. enter image description here

Now the next step is to save the modified data.

I use the following script to get the selected rows that the user modified.

  function getSelectedRowsAsJson(tableId)

    var selectedRowsArray =[];
    var selectedRowsJsonArray = "";

    var rows = $(tableId).bootgrid("getSelectedRows");

    var arrayLength = rows.length;

    for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) 
       var rowsc = $(tableId).bootgrid("getCurrentRows");

       var arrayLengthCurrent = rowsc.length;
       for (var ii = 0; ii < arrayLengthCurrent; ii++) 



    selectedRowsJsonArray = JSON.stringify(selectedRowsArray);
    return selectedRowsJsonArray;


My issue is that var rowsc = $(tableId).bootgrid("getCurrentRows"); is not updated to the modified data that I typed into the textbox.. It still shows the old data (loaded data) before I modified the text box.

So when sending the array of rows to the database it updates to the same values.

How do I update var rowsc = $(tableId).bootgrid("getCurrentRows"); after I have modified the textbox ? Or am I doing it wrong?


  • To start with, as per my experience (as of this writing), getSelectedRows only returns the primary keys of the selected columns.

    I have worked out your issue. Here are the modifications you need to make: 1. Let's assume your data-identifier column name is "pkcolumn":

    function formatterForFieldval(column, row)
        return '<input type="text" class="form-control" id="pk' + row.pkcolumn + '" value="'+ row.fieldval + '">'; //Notice I have prefixed the id with an arbitrary litteral "pk";

    In the above code snippet, we have given a unique id to each row input.

    2.getSelectedRowsAsJson should be refactored like this:

    function getSelectedRowsAsJson()
        var ids = $('#yourTableId').bootgrid('getSelectedRows');  //Here, remember that getSelectedRows only returns the values of the selected data-identifier columns (meaning, only the values of the selected pkcolumn (in this example) will be returned). 
        var myDataArray = [];   //Create an array that will store the edited objects (key-value pairs)
        $(ids).each(function (index, data) {
            var editedData = {};    //Create an object to store the selected key-value pairs that have been edited.
            editedData.key = data;
            editedData.editedValue = $('#pk' + data).val(); //so here we retrieve the value of the input whose id equals "pkxxxx". In your example above, it could be "pk35630", and so on.
        //If myDataArray has data then proceed. Otherwise, return
        if(myDataArray.length === 0)
        //At this point, myDataArray will look like this: [{key: 'pk35630', editedValue: 'blue bla blue'}, {key: 'pk35635', editedValue: 'bla bla bla'}]
        //Next, you can use myDataArray to post it through ajax and update your database accordingly, thereafter refresh the bootgrid.
        var postdata = JSON.stringify(myDataArray);
            url: your-url,
            data: postdata,
            type: 'post'
        }).done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
            //do your own stuff. for example, refresh/reload the bootgrid.

    I hope the above will help you solve your problem.