
Shiny Dashboard. Dynamic UI with more than one selectInput per wellPanel

I have a dataset that shows for a set of websites if each one is used regularly (yes/no per website) and when it was used last (yesteraday/last week/... per website). I want to build a Shiny Dashboard with a dynamic UI that shows sociodemographic website profiles for two chosen websites next to each other, filtered either by website usage or website reach.

Structure of dynamic UI:

Choose Filter Type (1) Website Usage vs (2) Website Reach

In case of "Website Usage":

Choose 1st Website (web1-web5)

Choose 2nd Website (web1-web5)

In case of Website Reach:

Choose 1st Website (web1-web5)

Choose Reach 1st Website (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

Choose 2nd Website (web1-web5)

Choose Reach 2nd Website (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

I tried the following solution from Rstudio: Dynamic UI Guide from Rstudio

My problem is, that the solution with using "switch" only allows one selectInput field per wellPanel. Like this I can't put additional filters for the 2nd website. Is there a workaround or a different solution not using switch?

Sample dataframe

gender <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace = TRUE), 
                 levels = c(1,2,99), labels = c("Male", "Female", "Missing Value"))
age <- sample(18:55, 5, replace = TRUE)
web1 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), 
               labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
web2 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), 
               labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
web3 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), 
               labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
web4 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), 
               labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
web5 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), 
               labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
web1Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), 
                  labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
web2Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), 
                  labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
web3Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), 
                  labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
web4Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), 
                  labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
web5Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace = TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), 
                  labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
popWeight <- sample(1000:1500, 5, replace = TRUE)

df <- data.frame(gender, age, web1, web2, web3, web4, web5, web1Rch, 
                 web2Rch, web3Rch, web4Rch, web5Rch, popWeight)

The following code is how far I got. But I can't create a dynamic UI that allows me to populate the second dashboard column with graphics for a second website. Switch doesn't allow me to put two selectInput fields.

Sample Code

library (tidyr)
library (dplyr)

# Create Two Versions of Data Frame for "Regular Usage" and "Reach"

dfRegular <- df[,c(1:7,13)] %>% 
  gather(web, value, -age, -gender, -popWeight)

dfReach <- df[,c(1:2,8:13)] %>% 
  gather(web, value, -age, -gender, -popWeight)

# Code for Shiny App    
ui <- fluidPage(      
  titlePanel ("Website Profile"),      
             selectInput(inputId = "evalType", label = "Choose Evaluation", 
                         choices = c("Regular", "Reach"))
    column(5, plotOutput("Gender")),                 
    column(5, plotOutput("Gender1"))

server <- function(input, output) {
  # Output UI
  output$ui <- renderUI({
      "Regular" = selectInput(
        inputId = "websiteName", label = "Choose first Website", 
        choices = unique(dfRegular$web)), 
      "Reach" = selectInput(
        inputId = "reachWeb", label = "Choose Reach (second Website)", 
        choices = c("web1Rch", "web2Rch", "web3Rch", "web4Rch", "web5Rch"))

  output$evalTypeText <- renderText({

  dfInput <- reactive({
    dfRegular %>% filter(web == input$websiteName & value == "Yes")

  output$Gender <- renderPlot({
    df1 <- dfInput()
    ggplot(df1) +
      aes(x = gender, y = popWeight / sum(popWeight)) +
      stat_summary(fun.y = sum, geom = "bar") +
      scale_y_continuous("Population (%)", labels = scales::percent)

  dfInput <- reactive({
    dfRegular %>% filter(web == input$websiteName & value == "Yes")

  output$Gender1 <- renderPlot({
    df1 <- dfInput()
    ggplot(df1) +
      aes(x = gender, y = popWeight / sum(popWeight)) +
      stat_summary(fun.y = sum, geom = "bar") +
      scale_y_continuous("Population (%)", labels = scales::percent)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


  • There are few ways which can help You achieve what You need, You could use for example conditionalPanel instead:


    gender <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), labels = c("Male", "Female", "Missing Value"))
    age <- sample(18:55, 5, replace=TRUE)
    web1 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
    web2 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
    web3 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
    web4 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
    web5 <- factor(sample(1:2, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,99), labels = c("Yes", "No", "Missing Value"))
    web1Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
    web2Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
    web3Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
    web4Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
    web5Rch <- factor(sample(1:4, 5, replace=TRUE), levels = c(1,2,3,4,99), labels = c("Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly", "Missing Value"))
    popWeight <- sample(1000:1500, 5, replace=TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(gender, age, web1, web2, web3, web4, web5, web1Rch, web2Rch, web3Rch, web4Rch, web5Rch, popWeight)
    library (tidyr)
    library (dplyr)
    # Create Two Versions of Data Frame for "Regular Usage" and "Reach"
    dfRegular <- df[,c(1:7,13)] %>% 
      gather(web, value, -age, -gender, -popWeight)
    dfReach <- df[,c(1:2,8:13)] %>% 
      gather(web, value, -age, -gender, -popWeight)
    # Code for Shiny App
    ui <- fluidPage(
      titlePanel ("Website Profile"),
                 selectInput(inputId = "evalType", label = "Choose Evaluation", choices = c("Regular", "Reach"))
                 conditionalPanel(condition="input.evalType == 'Regular'",
                                  selectInput(inputId = "websiteName", label = "Choose first Website", choices = unique(dfRegular$web))),
                 conditionalPanel(condition="input.evalType == 'Regular'",
                                  selectInput(inputId = "websiteName2", label = "Choose second Website", choices = unique(dfRegular$web))),
                 conditionalPanel(condition="input.evalType == 'Reach'",
                                  selectInput(inputId = "websiteName3", label = "Choose first Website", choices = unique(dfRegular$web))),
                 conditionalPanel(condition="input.evalType == 'Reach'",
                                  selectInput(inputId = "reach1", label = "Choose Reach", choices = c("daily","weekly","monthly","yearly"))),
                 conditionalPanel(condition="input.evalType == 'Reach'",
                                  selectInput(inputId = "websiteName4", label = "Choose first Website", choices = unique(dfRegular$web))),
                 conditionalPanel(condition="input.evalType == 'Reach'",
                                  selectInput(inputId = "reach1", label = "Choose Reach", choices = c("daily","weekly","monthly","yearly"))))
    server <- function(input, output) {
      dfInput <- reactive({
        dfRegular %>% filter(web == input$websiteName & value == "Yes")
      output$Gender <- renderPlot({
        df1 <- dfInput()
        ggplot(df1) +
          aes(x = gender, y = popWeight / sum(popWeight)) +
          stat_summary(fun.y = sum, geom = "bar") +
          scale_y_continuous("Population (%)", labels = scales::percent)
      dfInput1 <- reactive({
        dfRegular %>% filter(web == input$websiteName2 & value == "Yes")
      output$Gender1 <- renderPlot({
        df1 <- dfInput1()
        ggplot(df1) +
          aes(x = gender, y = popWeight / sum(popWeight)) +
          stat_summary(fun.y = sum, geom = "bar") +
          scale_y_continuous("Population (%)", labels = scales::percent)
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

    or if...else statement.

    The switch function which You are using is working only with one widget at the time, therefore You would need to create more then one output$ui (based on switch).