
Cognos SDK documentation / tutorial or something like that

I need to embed cognos analytics reports in my web application with a high degree of integration such as custom UI of reports list, custom UI of report controls and so one. As far as I understand sdk is intended for this purpose, but i cant find any normal guide / tutorial, even hello world example of SDK usage. Please, tell me where it can be found?


  • The Software Development Kit Developer Guide is available online :

    You can find a pdf version of this documentation after the installation of the SDK component of Cognos 10.x (can't find a pdf version for cognos 11.x but it's probably the same guide)...

    Default path : C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\documentation\en\dg_sdk.pdf

    And finaly you can find a lot of SDK samples in this place :