Good morning. I have a Flowplayer video with cuepoints ex [5, 10]. Here, my video starts from 5th second and pauses at 10th second. So it works. However, if I click play and allow video to end, the next time(without page refresh) I play the video, it starts from start instead of first cue point.
I'd appreciate a hint or solution, how I can make the video always play from first cuepoint, without page refresh
here is the code snippet
flowplayer(flowplayerObject, {
hlsjs: {
xhrSetup: function (xhr) {
xhr.withCredentials = true;
swf: ------,
swfHls: -------,
clip: {
sources: [
{type: "application/x-mpegURL", src: -------l},
{type: "video/mp4", src: -------}
}).one("ready", function (e, api, video){;
}).on("cuepoint", function (e, api, cuepoint) {
if (cuepoint.index === 1) {
}) ;
Thank you :)
ok, after thinking for a bit found the solution. The idea is that after the video ends we just seek to the first cuepoint. Solved by adding only couple lines:
flowplayer(flowplayerObject, {
hlsjs: {
xhrSetup: function (xhr) {
xhr.withCredentials = true;
swf: ------,
swfHls: -------,
clip: {
sources: [
{type: "application/x-mpegURL", src: -------l},
{type: "video/mp4", src: -------}
}).one("ready", function (e, api, video){;
}).on("cuepoint", function (e, api, cuepoint) {
if (cuepoint.index === 1) {
}).on("finish", function (e, api) {;