
XNA Microphone audio buffer format?

I'm working on an XNA script in which I want to read data from the microphone every couple of frames and estimate its pitch. I took input based almost exactly on this page (

Now I've got a buffer full bytes. What does it represent? I reset everything and look at my buffer every 10th frame, so it appears to be a giant array that has 9 instances of 1764 bytes at different points in time (The whole thing is 15876 bytes large). I'm assuming it's the time domain of sound pressure, because I can't find any information on the format of microphone input. Anybody know how this works? I have a friend who has an FFT up and running, but we're trying to learn as much as we can about that data I'm collecting before we attempt to plug it in.


  • The samples are in Little-Endian 16 bit Linear PCM. Convert each pair of bytes into a signed short as

    short sample = (short)(buffer[i] | buffer[i+1] << 8);