I am using a vungle app-id in my app and I want to increment the wallet of the user, only if the video ad is completely seen by user.
//code in my Activity
final VunglePub vunglePub = VunglePub.getInstance();
final String app_id= "58d46c1feba9a90a1a000011"; //vungleid
final EventListener vungleListener= new EventListener() {
public void onAdEnd(boolean b, boolean b1) {
I am trying to update the wallet of user by calling Update method from onAdEnd method of listener but it updates the wallet even if the user closes the ad.
I am trying vungle for the first time, also searched a lot but didnt got my answer. Any help regarding this is appreciated. Thanks!..
I am Gabor, working as Intergation Engineer @Vungle.
You can check our documentation here to see how you can use the event listeners. https://support.vungle.com/hc/en-us/articles/204463100-Advanced-Settings-for-Vungle-Android-SDK
The above recommended onVideoView() was depricated, and you should use
public void onAdEnd(boolean wasSuccessfulView, boolean wasCallToActionClicked) {
// Called when the user leaves the ad and control is returned to your application
// if wasSuccessfulView is true, the user watched the ad and should be rewarded
// (if this was a rewarded ad).
// if wasCallToActionClicked is true, the user clicked the call to action
// button in the ad.
If the ad completely by the user, the wasSuccessfulView boolean will be true.
If you have more question feel free to contact us at tech-support@vungle.com and we will help you out.