I am working on an application and I need to return Arabic/French month name and day name, depending on the local I am using. For example, if the local is "Ar" i need the month to be فبراير for February. If local is "Fr" month name should be Février. I am currently working around it and reading the month and day names from different .properties files. Now, my question is: is there any way to return month and day names in different languages depending on the given local?
Your help is much appreciated :)
you do not have to work around it. Use SimpleDateFormat(format, locale)
. Here is the code example:
SimpleDateFormat fen = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMMM/yyyy", new Locale("en"));
SimpleDateFormat ffr = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMMM/yyyy", new Locale("fr"));
Date date = new Date();