
Obtaining an instance of CommPortIdentifier on Android

I'm using Jamod 1.2 to establish Modbus TCP connection between an Android device and PLC. Everything was fine until I was asked to migrate to Modbus RTU (connecting via USB). Jamod has classes to work with Modbus RTU but I've encountered a specific problem. To establish Modbus RTU connection one have to do these simple manipulations:

SerialParameters params = new SerialParameters();
SerialConnection connection = new SerialConnection(params);;

But the connection doesn't open due to the following obstacle:

public class SerialConnection implements SerialPortEventListener {
    public void open() throws Exception {
            try {
                this.m_PortIdentifier = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(this.m_Parameters.getPortName());
            } catch (NoSuchPortException var2) {
                if(Modbus.debug) {

                throw new Exception(var2.getMessage());

Here the lib is trying to get an instance of CommPortIdentifier with a static method CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(String portname). Going deeper:

public class CommPortIdentifier {
    public static CommPortIdentifier getPortIdentifier(String var0) throws NoSuchPortException {
        SecurityManager var1 = System.getSecurityManager();
        if(var1 != null) {

And here is the root of the evil - System.getSecurityManager(). It always returns null in Android. official doc

Finally, the question: is there a way to generate CommPortIdentifier on Android? Or may be someone can think of another solution to the problem?

P.S. I would like to avoid replacing Jamod with something else or writing my own Modbus RTU wrapper because a lot of code depend on the lib. Unless there is no other option.


  • Ended up writing my own Modbus RTU wrapper for Android. Its basic implementation can be found here: