I am using the following type in my TypScript:
interface ExerciseData {
id : number;
name : string;
vocabulary : {
from : string;
to : string;
Now I'd like to create a variable that is of the same type as the attribute vocabulary
, trying the following:
var vocabs : ExerciseData.vocabulary[];
But that is not working. Is it possible to reference to a subtype somehow? Or would I have to do something like this?
interface ExerciseData {
id : number;
name : string;
vocabulary : Vocabulary[];
interface Vocabulary {
from : string;
to : string;
var vocabs : Vocabulary[];
Thanks a lot for hints.
You can reference interface subtypes using lookup types, added in TypeScript 2.1:
interface ExerciseData {
id: number;
name: string;
vocabulary: Array<{
from: string;
to: string;
type Name = ExerciseData['name']; // string
These lookup types can also be chained. So to get the type of a vocabulary item you can do this:
type Vocabulary = ExerciseData['vocabulary'][number]; // { from: string; to: string; }
Or with even more chaining, the from
type From = ExerciseData['vocabulary'][number]['from']; // string
For complex scenarios it's also possible to base the lookup type on another type. For example, on a string literal union type:
type Key = 'id' | 'name';
type FieldTypes = ExerciseData[Key]; // number | string