
Why does git assign same hash to files with different names and location?

Why does git assign the same SHA-1 to files with different names and different locations although contents is the same?

100644 43efcd84207788e5289ee23a9ce95d9f43b13d9a 0 dir1/dir1_d2/dir1_d2_f1.txt 100644 43efcd84207788e5289ee23a9ce95d9f43b13d9a 0 test.txt

Show file contents:

$ git cat-file -p 43efcd84207788e5289ee23a9ce95d9f43b13d9a Line 1



  • Because content is the same!

    Git tracks content in blob object.
    Paths are resolved by git with tree objects.

    You can read Pro Git - Git Internals - Git Objects to know how git store data.