I m having a weird problem, It was working all well, Suddenly, what happened is that if I add Two or more products in my cart and THEN Delete any ONE, all the products disappear from the cart. After I reload/refresh the page, the REST of the products (not Deleted one) come back again. The same goes for the other products.
At first I thought it has to do with W3 Total cache plugin, so I disabled it. Then I disabled Minify in Cloudfare CDN. Then disabled all the plugins in wordpress. Then I switched to Twenty Seventeen Theme- ALL WENT IN VAIN. I have no idea what is messing with this, I doubt its javascript. What do I do now. Plz check the problem Here. I was just a day away from making this site live.
After spending one hour I finally fixed it. Who knows that a single setting will mess this whole things up. As soon as I changed the "HTTP Referrer Policy" to 'no referrer when downgrade(browser default)' , the problem got fixed. I have no idea how it messed up with my javascript.