
handle exception from openFile in a optparse-applicative ReadM

Using optparse-applicative, I'd like to have an optional argument, which should be a path to a file, or when not specified, stdin. The obvious choice here is to make this argument type IO Handle and when an argument is passed in use openFile. Here's what I have currently:

module Main where

import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Options.Applicative
import System.IO

data Args = Args { input :: IO Handle }

parseArgs = Args <$> argument parseReadHandle (value defaultHandle)
  where defaultHandle = return stdin :: IO Handle

parseReadHandle :: ReadM (IO Handle)
parseReadHandle = eitherReader $ \path -> Right $ openFile path ReadMode

getArgs :: IO Args
getArgs = execParser $ info (parseArgs <**> helper) fullDesc

main :: IO ()
main = run =<< getArgs

run :: Args -> IO ()
run (Args input) = putStrLn =<< hGetContents =<< input

The trouble with this is, we don't properly handle exceptions from openFile and instead rely on the default behavior for an unhandled exception (prints error and exits). This seems yucky.

I think the more proper way would be to return Left with the error message from openFile. The trouble is, eitherReader expects a String -> Either String a so we can't do something like:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Exception

parseReadHandle :: ReadM (IO Handle)
parseReadHandle = eitherReader tryOpenFile

tryOpenFile :: IO (Either String (IO Handle)) -> FilePath
tryOpenFile path = do
  handle (\(e :: IOException) -> return $ Left $ show e) $ do
    return $ Right $ openFile path ReadMode

Of course, you can see from the type of tryOpenFile that this won't typecheck. I'm unsure if what I'm asking for is possible, because it seems like the error message must be an IO String, because to get the error the IO computation must be performed. So at the least it seems you would need eitherReader to take a String -> IO (Either String a) or a String -> Either (IO String) (IO Handle). From my basic understanding of them, it sounds like a monad transformer could be used here to wrap the ReadM (or the other way around?). But that's a bit deeper than my understanding goes, and I'm at a loss about how to precede.

Is there a way to accomplish handleing an IOException in an optparse-applicative ReadM?


  • I believe your approach is somewhat misguided.

    You said: "I'd like to have an optional argument, which should be a path to a file..."

    Ok, so how about something along the lines of Maybe FilePath? That sounds like it might be what you want here. Or an equivalent ADT:

    data Path = StandardInput | Path FilePath

    When you say, "The obvious choice here is to make this argument type IO Handle and when an argument is passed in use openFile" you're getting ahead of yourself.

    Parsing from the command line should be about transforming the input to be parsed into data that's suitable for future use in your program. Don't worry about opening files at this stage, or handling exceptions if files don't exist, or any other ways in which you're going to use this data... Just worry about the question, did the user of my program give me a file path or not? That is, what data do I have? The other stuff is not (and should not be) optparse-applicative's job.

    So just build your parser for this datatype Path. It may be composed of parsers for each constructor. E.g.:

    stdInputParser :: Parser Path
    stdInputParser = ...
    pathSuppliedParser :: Parser Path
    pathSuppliedParser = ...
    pathParser :: Parser Path
    pathParser = pathSuppliedParser <|> stdInputParser

    Anyway, once you run execParser, you'll be left with your Path datatype. So you'll pass that as the argument to your run function:

    run :: Path -> IO ()
    run StandardInput = ... use stdin here
    run (Path filePath) = ... use openFile here, catch and handle exceptions if the file doesn't exist, etc.