I currently developing an application in ios with Xamarin and I use CocosSharp.
I try to put some Background music on it and I have an exception that always come : "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException Failed to load the asset file from MySong"
The song is in the content folder : Content/Sounds
To play the sound I use the following line :
I try to change the path, and to reproduce the same way that the music is add in the Fruity Falls Game Details of the Xamarin's site [https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/game_development/cocossharp/fruity_falls/] but nothing is working. Then i try to add music on the Bouncing Game that the code is given in the Xamarin site but it's also does not work.
You need to change the asset file's Build Action. Right-click on the file, scroll to Build Action and ensure that it is set to BundleResource (This is required for iOS projects). Clean/Build the project and try running it again.