
How to use user defined database proxy in @DataJpaTest

We need to track database metrics so we are using datasource-proxy to track this to integrate the same in spring boot project we have created custom datasource as below

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")
public class DataSourceBeanConfig

    public DataSource actualDataSource()
        EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder databaseBuilder = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder();
        return databaseBuilder.setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2).build();

    public DataSource dataSource() {
        // use pretty formatted query with multiline enabled
        PrettyQueryEntryCreator creator = new PrettyQueryEntryCreator();
        log.info("Inside Proxy Creation");
        SystemOutQueryLoggingListener listener = new SystemOutQueryLoggingListener();

        return ProxyDataSourceBuilder

When we run main application datasource-proxy is picked up but when we use @DataJpaTest it is not picking up. How to enable datasource-proxy in JUNIT test cases?


Using Spring BeanPostProcessor to configure Proxy DataSource

public class DataSourceBeanConfig implements BeanPostProcessor
    public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
            throws BeansException

        if (bean instanceof DataSource)
            System.out.println("AfterInitialization : " + beanName);
            // use pretty formatted query with multiline enabled
            PrettyQueryEntryCreator creator = new PrettyQueryEntryCreator();

            log.info("Inside Proxy Creation");

            SystemOutQueryLoggingListener listener = new SystemOutQueryLoggingListener();

            return ProxyDataSourceBuilder.create((DataSource) bean).countQuery()

        return bean; // you can return any other object as well


  • Here is the solution we need to create TestConfiguration to use in @DataJpaTest

    public class DataTestJPA
        static class ProxyDataSourceConfig implements BeanPostProcessor
            public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
                    throws BeansException
                if (bean instanceof DataSource source && !(bean instanceof ProxyDataSource)) {
                   return ProxyDataSourceBuilder
                    // @formatter:on
                return bean; // you can return any other object as well