What is an easy way to test if a folder is empty in perl? -s, and -z are not working.
#Ensure Apps directory exists on the test PC.
if ( ! -s $gAppsDir )
die "\n$gAppsDir is not accessible or does not exist.\n";
#Ensure Apps directory exists on the test PC.
if ( ! -z $gAppsDir )
die "\n$gAppsDir is not accessible or does not exist.\n";
These above, do not work properly to tell me that the folder is empty. Thanks!
Thanks all! I ended up using:
sub is_folder_empty { my $dirname = shift; opendir(my $dh, $dirname) or die "Not a directory";
return scalar(grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." } readdir($dh)) == 0; }
A little verbose for clarity, but:
sub is_folder_empty {
my $dirname = shift;
opendir(my $dh, $dirname) or die "Not a directory";
return scalar(grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." } readdir($dh)) == 0;
Then you can do:
if (is_folder_empty($your_dir)) {