I am using the webclient from spring webflux, like this :
.flatMap(clientResponse -> clientResponse.bodyToMono(tClass));
It is working well. I now want to handle the error from the webservice I am calling (Ex 500 internal error). Normally i would add an doOnError on the "stream" and isu the Throwable to test the status code,
But my issue is that I want to get the body provided by the webservice because it is providing me a message that i would like to use.
I am looking to do the flatMap whatever happen and test myself the status code to deserialize or not the body.
Note that as of writing this, 5xx errors no longer result in an exception from the underlying Netty layer. See https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/commit/b0ab84657b712aac59951420f4e9d696c3d84ba2