I'm using a VM with HANA Express 2 SP 01. On a small test cluster I installed the Hortonworks Data Platform 2.6 with Spark 1.6.3, and also added HANA Vora 1.4 and the Spark Controller 2.1.
I followed the SAP Vora Installation and Administration guide: https://help.sap.com/http.svc/rc/f09ec811fe634f588647c342cac84c38/1.4/en-US/SAP_Vora_Installation_Admin_Guide_1.4_en.pdf until chapter 2.9. Everything works fine, but the Zeppelin part with the %jdbc interpreter:
select * from sys.tables using com.sap.spark.engines
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TExecuteStatementReq.setQueryTimeout(J)V
Here I get a NoSuchMethodError. However, if I follow the instructions in the next chapter (2.9 Connect SAP HANA Spark Controller to SAP Vora), I'm also not able to add a table from the Vora DataSource to my HANA Express Database. See also this screenshot:
Regarding the java.lang.NoSuchMethodError, most likely the wrong Hive jar file was attached.
The link in your comment refers to the Spark Controller, but in this post/question you are using the HANA Wire. Both are valid methods of adding virtual tables from Vora.
The issue you are experiencing here is handled in section 3.3 of the Vora troubleshooting guide