I have a huge table on which I want to run a query with an or condition
SELECT id, upload_key
FROM product_data
WHERE (status = 0 or updated = 0) and uploaded_on is NULL;
The table is more than 50 million records now and takes minutes to execute. I tried creating a composite index on keys status, updated and uploaded_on (in the same order as query) but it as turns out, the query doesn't use composite indexes with an OR on two different columns.
Is there a way to create indexes to optimize the query, or should I just move uploaded_on as the first where clause and create an single column index on the same?
Write the query using union all
SELECT id, upload_key
FROM product_data
WHERE status = 0 and uploaded_on is NULL
SELECT id, upload_key
FROM product_data
WHERE status <> 0 and updated = 0 and uploaded_on is NULL;
You want two indexes: (status, uploaded_on)
and (updated, uploaded_on, status)