I am trying to set up Swagger in a VM/Vagrant box. What I have done is below.
i. Port Forwarding using Vagrantfile
dev.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 3000, host: 3000, host_ip:
"", auto_correct: true
ii. Swagger configuration in a vagrant box
npm install -g swagger
Create a new swagger project
swagger project create hello-world
I tried to open Swagger Editor with command swagger project edit -p 3000 -s
, which gives
Starting Swagger Editor. Running Swagger Editor API server. You can make GET and PUT calls to
Seems like everything is perfect so just visited browser of local desktop(windows), and visited http://localhost:3000/editor/spec
which gives me This site can’t be reached.
curl http://localhost:3000/editor/spec is working fine in the VM/vagrant box.
What wrong am I doing here?
The issue is
calls to
so its not accessible on any network interface other than your localhost.
You need to change this to get started the app on the IP of the server or you can use (special IP so all interfaces can access it)
You need to run as
swagger project edit --host -p 3000 -s
(See the CLI reference guide) - Then you will be able to access from your host at http://localhost:3000
NB: the other option is to assign a static IP either with private network or public network; then start swagger project edit --host <static_ip_from_vagrantfile> -p 3000 -s
and access from your host with the static IP and in such case you dont need to forward any port from the guest to the host.