I am needing to automate a daily pull of app Annie data reviews and land them in S3. With the below I am trying to see if I can just pull one days worth of data but am getting an error 'TypeError: expected string or buffer'. I am new to python, can someone explain what I am doing wrong or another way to accomplish what I am trying to do?
import json
import requests
url = 'https://api.appannie.com/v1.2/apps/ios/app/331177714/reviews?
key = 'Authorization: bearer 585e46.....'
response = requests.get(url,
headers = {'Authorization':'bearer 585e46.....'})
data = json.loads(response.json())
method you're using comes from requests object and it already converts string to proper json. So you can do two things
Convert to json with requests object method:
data = response.json()
Get text from your response and turn into json with Python json lib:
data = json.loads(response.text)