
node-github: "getStatsContributors" doesn't return results properly

This is how I'm using the method:

         repo: 'Cloudformation-Webserver',
         owner : 'DorrinPk'
    }, function (err, res) { 
        console.log(err, res);

The first time I run it for the repo I get null results. The second time I run it I get :

null { data: [ { total: 4, weeks: [Object], author: [Object] } ],   meta:    { 'x-ratelimit-limit': '5000',
     'x-ratelimit-remaining': '4968',
     'x-ratelimit-reset': '1499712495',
     'x-oauth-scopes': 'admin:org, admin:repo_hook, notifications, repo, user',
     'x-github-request-id': 'A05B:0684:271B6:59CB1:5963C4D0',
     'x-github-media-type': 'github.v3; format=json',
     etag: '"f1ea81d88281adf31e1178d0804f230c"',
     status: '200 OK' } }

I know total:4 is the number of my commits on the repo but I only get [Object] back for author and weeks.

am I doing something wrong? I was expecting to get similar results to this.


  • The first thing you are printing out to the console is the err object from the response. In this case the request was successful, so the error is null.

    The second thing you are writing is the response object. When using the console.log method like that it will not display all levels deep of an object and you must either use the inspector to get a better look or write out the property itself (in your case you could use console.log([0].author))

    You are getting the correct results, it is just that the console.log method is printing out differently than what you were expecting to see, but it is all there.