I am trying to write a for-loop to call multiple albums and retrieve the track id's and track names per album.
The original code works for one album:
spotifyKey <- "###########################"
spotifySecret <- "#######################"
response = POST(
authenticate(spotifyKey, spotifySecret),
body = list(grant_type = 'client_credentials'),
encode = 'form',
token = content(response)$access_token
HeaderValue = paste0('Bearer ', token)
spotifyAlbum <- "2scB1uhcCI1TSf6b9TCZK3"
albumTracksURL <- paste("https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/",
getTracks <- GET(albumTracksURL, add_headers(Authorization = HeaderValue))
albumTracks <- jsonlite::fromJSON(toJSON(content(getTracks)))
ids <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(albumTracks$items$id),
nrow=albumTracks$total, byrow=T),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(albumTracks$items$name),
nrow=albumTracks$total, byrow=T),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
result <- cbind(ids, names)
This is the output:
matrix.unlist.albumTracks.items.id...nrow...albumTracks.total.. matrix.unlist.albumTracks.items.name...nrow...albumTracks.total..
1 0B1QILlvPWfc9vovFYuUuk FutureSex / LoveSound
2 0O45fw2L5vsWpdsOdXwNAR SexyBack
3 5Gq7IN29DbgUO8Ris1TZKl Sexy Ladies
4 1vMuSYlp2Im8Gpj6JxRJfj Medley: Let Me Talk to You / My Love
5 5iyE2d4U3Vc5cqY9mPTlpy LoveStoned / I Think She Knows (Interlude)
6 3pD0f7hSJg2XdQ6udw5Tey What Goes Around.../...Comes Around (Interlude)
7 0LlObwsSjhvPFKPPpSWOeh Chop Me Up
8 4JQtyBEeLOAOnb7n5OQdDd Damn Girl
9 1MBM7CyZbwJpVbbZJnHHRg Summer Love
10 39q69v4D15oSshBmlJrkmW Set the Mood Prelude / Until the End of Time
11 1Ou4q1gX3QAvKhAFd3xsXT Losing My Way
12 24CBAWq81pQNTftNAxVLYk (Another Song) All Over Again
How do I do this for multiple albums?
I tried creating a for-loop but that didn't work:
spotifyAlbum <- data.frame(c("62AITKgUMplmKKSTsTlDDo","2scB1uhcCI1TSf6b9TCZK3"))
for(i in 1:length(spotifyAlbum[,1])) {
albumTracksURL <- paste("https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/",
getTracks <- GET(albumTracksURL, add_headers(Authorization = HeaderValue))
albumTracks <- jsonlite::fromJSON(toJSON(content(getTracks)))
ids <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(albumTracks$items$id),
nrow=albumTracks$total, byrow=T),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(albumTracks$items$name),
nrow=albumTracks$total, byrow=T),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
spotifyAlbum[,2] <- ids
spotifyAlbum[,3] <- names
Bonus point would be to include the album name too.
My goal is to have the final output look like this:
1 0B1QILlvPWfc9vovFYuUuk FutureSex / LoveSound FutureSex/LoveSounds
2 0O45fw2L5vsWpdsOdXwNAR SexyBack FutureSex/LoveSounds
3 5Gq7IN29DbgUO8Ris1TZKl Sexy Ladies FutureSex/LoveSounds
4 1vMuSYlp2Im8Gpj6JxRJfj Medley: Let Me Talk to You / My Love FutureSex/LoveSounds
5 5iyE2d4U3Vc5cqY9mPTlpy LoveStoned / I Think She Knows (Interlude) FutureSex/LoveSounds
6 3pD0f7hSJg2XdQ6udw5Tey What Goes Around.../...Comes Around (Interlude) FutureSex/LoveSounds
7 0LlObwsSjhvPFKPPpSWOeh Chop Me Up FutureSex/LoveSounds
8 4JQtyBEeLOAOnb7n5OQdDd Damn Girl FutureSex/LoveSounds
9 1MBM7CyZbwJpVbbZJnHHRg Summer Love FutureSex/LoveSounds
10 39q69v4D15oSshBmlJrkmW Set the Mood Prelude / Until the End of Time FutureSex/LoveSounds
11 1Ou4q1gX3QAvKhAFd3xsXT Losing My Way FutureSex/LoveSounds
12 24CBAWq81pQNTftNAxVLYk (Another Song) All Over Again FutureSex/LoveSounds
13 0KqpOdVQoDfeELTKYc97cO Piensas (Dile la Verdad) Dale
14 2MRv991PzjY2ecCluXoRq9 Como Yo Le Doy - Spanglish Version Dale
15 501PoxE6Qti2ekECimQeXK El Taxi Dale
16 2yUu771fYfHQa45VcVvkhS Yo Quiero (Si Tu Te Enamoras) Dale
17 5KsChQslA4yRGInwDfGm9N El Party Dale
18 3yyXE55qVqIoYS9g3Q5LMM Mami Mami Dale
19 3NW0zAs5TXnfoyWuTPdyjP Baddest Girl in Town Dale
20 59db0pQBOuB1FgjLo7RlvH Chi Chi Bon Bon Dale
21 2iRSdAGD6fbY2SdJ2wnTal Haciendo Ruido Dale
22 4BmLLPmR24ExGQyqhJH8i2 Hoy Se Bebe Dale
23 62NKyNgp1yBp2KYRHIm2ou No Puedo Más Dale
24 0fafrbr2rolcqdV1aOkI6n Que Lo Que Dale
Any help would be great, thanks!
Something like this may get you what you're after.
spotifyKey <- "###########################"
spotifySecret <- "#######################"
response = POST(
authenticate(spotifyKey, spotifySecret),
body = list(grant_type = 'client_credentials'),
encode = 'form',
token = content(response)$access_token
HeaderValue = paste0('Bearer ', token)
spotifyAlbums <- c("62AITKgUMplmKKSTsTlDDo","2scB1uhcCI1TSf6b9TCZK3")
get.tracks <- function(spotifyAlbum){
albumTracksURL <- paste("https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/", spotifyAlbum, "/tracks?limit=50", sep="")
getTracks <- GET(albumTracksURL, add_headers(Authorization = HeaderValue))
albumTracks <- jsonlite::fromJSON(toJSON(content(getTracks)))
ids <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(albumTracks$items$id),
nrow=albumTracks$total, byrow=T),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(albumTracks$items$name),
nrow=albumTracks$total, byrow=T),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
artists <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(albumTracks$items$artists), nrow=albumTracks$total, byrow=T),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
result <- cbind(ids, names)
colnames(result) <- c("ID", "NAME")
df <- lapply(spotifyAlbums, get.tracks)
df <- do.call(rbind, df)
Modified function
get.tracks <- function(spotifyAlbum){
albumTracksURL <- paste("https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/", spotifyAlbum, "/tracks?limit=50", sep="")
getTracks <- GET(albumTracksURL, add_headers(Authorization = HeaderValue))
albumTracks <- jsonlite::fromJSON(toJSON(content(getTracks)))
ids <- unlist(albumTracks$items$id)
names <- unlist(albumTracks$items$name)
artists <- paste(unlist(albumTracks$items$artists), collapse = "; ")
result <- data.frame(ID = ids, NAME = names, ARTIST = artists, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)