I want to fill an array with unknown size in fortran90. This is the equivalent code in MATLAB :
for i=1:10
A[i] = i
I know that i can pass the size, but How can i do this in fortran90 without passing the size of the array. I read that we can use pointers, but i really dont know how to deal with pointers
I understand you want to start adding elements to an array before you know the final size of the array.
As an example, you want to read values from a file until you reach the end of the file, not knowing how many values there are.
There are three ways I can think of:
Create an array of sufficient size, and remember the final value.
integer :: a(200), n
n = 1
a(n) = <value>
if (<finished>) exit
n = n + 1
end do
<use a(1:n)>
Create two allocatable arrays, when you reach the end of one, make the other bigger, and swap them:
integer, allocatable :: a(:), tmp(:)
integer :: i, n
n = 8
i = 1
if (i > n) then
tmp(1:n) = a(:)
call move_alloc(tmp, a)
n = n * 2
end if
a(i) = <value>
if (<finished>) exit
i = i + 1
end do
tmp(:) = a(1:i)
call move_alloc(tmp, a)
I do no longer recommend this. Pointers can be confusing and create weird and hard-to-debug bugs. But I leave it in for posterity: Create a linked list (here using a stack)
type t_node
integer :: value
type(t_node), pointer :: next => NULL()
end type t_node
type(t_node), pointer :: list, tmp
integer, allocatable :: a(:), i, n
tmp % value = <value>
tmp % next => list
list => tmp
if (<finished>) exit
n = n + 1
end do
do i = n, 1, -1
a(i) = list % value
tmp => list
list => list % next
end do