I have a CSV file with a data field which contains data like bellow
POLYGON ((79.87749999947846 6.997500000409782, 79.88249999947845 6.997500000409782, 79.88249999947845 7.002500000409782, 79.87749999947846 7.002500000409782, 79.87749999947846 6.997500000409782))
I want to draw a polygon by using this data field in qgis. How can i do this?
For example,I have a csv with two columns "Id" and "geom" that geom have your POLYGON example,
Go to layer->Add Layer->Add delimited text Layer and browse your csv and the geometry field combobox select the column that have your wkt data,in my case is "geom" and Geometry definition select (WKT) option
The result is:
In another way, using Python:
uri ='file:///C://Users//fjraga//Desktop//test.csv?delimiter=%s&crs=epsg:4326&wktField=%s' % (",", "geom")
lyr = QgsVectorLayer(uri, 'Test','delimitedtext')
But if you only want load this WKT geometry using QGIS python console,try with this:
wkt = "POLYGON ((79.87749999947846 6.997500000409782, 79.88249999947845 6.997500000409782, 79.88249999947845 7.002500000409782, 79.87749999947846 7.002500000409782, 79.87749999947846 6.997500000409782))"
temp = QgsVectorLayer("Polygon?crs=epsg:4326", "result", "memory")
# QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(temp) #for qgis >3.0
geom = QgsGeometry()
geom = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(wkt)
feat = QgsFeature()