I have several cell arrays with probe data from .mat-file.
I need to find resonance frequencies and q-factors for each of the 1000 inputs, and then estimate (approximate) them. However, the code below provides only 1 value of fres instead of 1000, and no plot for (i, fres) is shown.
Amp - multiarray (1000*100)
for i = 1:1:1000
f1 = FStart(i):10:FEnd(i);
grid on
y1 = plot(f1,Amp(i,:));
[maxValue, maxIndex] = max(Amp(i,:)); %find maximum value of amplitude for each i
[Q_Value, Q_Index] = max(0.5*Amp(i,:)); %also tried 0.5*max() and /2
fres = f1(maxIndex); %by index of max amplitude value find resonance frequency
plot(i,fres) %plot resonance frequency for each i
hold on
NB: the last FStart value is less than the first FreqEnd value
Futhermore, I try to esteem the Q factor as: Max(frequency on level = 1/2*MaxAmplitude)-Min(frequency on level = 1/2*MaxAmplitude)
fmin = min(f2(Q_Index))
fmax = max(f2(Q_Index))
But it shows fmin = fmax
Could you please tell, what's the problem here?
Apart from the comment to your answer which clearly shows where the problem is, you may wan to remove the plot
from the script by storing fres
as a vector:
for i = 1:1000
f1 = FStart(i):10:FEnd(i);
grid on
y1 = plot(f1,Amp(i,:));
[maxValue, maxIndex] = max(Amp(i,:)); %find maximum value of amplitude for each i
[Q_Value, Q_Index] = max(0.5*Amp(i,:)); %also tried 0.5*max() and /2
fres(i) = f1(maxIndex); %by index of max amplitude value find resonance frequency